Product Inquiry Search

Inventory Control Menu -> Detailed Inventory Inquiry -> Product# window -> Product Inquiry Search

This search utility can be used to find a specific product or to find a starting product to be displayed in the Detailed Inventory Inquiry.
Once the starting product is defined the PREVIOUS and NEXT buttons on the inquiry, can be used to move through the products in sequence.

The prompts to define the starting product and the sequence to display them include:

Select one of the following product options:

Click the ACCEPT button if a specific starting Product or Group was selected, to return to the Detailed Inventory Inquiry.
If the List option and Product Selection filters were used, the resulting list of products are displayed in a paging screen, by sequence number with the product number, description, On Hand count, price, rental status, and date acquired for rental products.
A window is provided in the "V" View column to access the details for the product, making it the "starting product" in the List.

Topic Keyword: RSPF60E (4118)
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