Product Substitution Report

Reports Menu -> Inventory -> Product Substitution Report

The Product Substitution Report can be used to track "down rent" product transactions that are made when a rental product is not available for rent and a similar replacement product usually of greater value is put on a Contract instead but the rental rates of the lesser product are still charged to the customer.
This "down rent" transaction requires a Substitution Reason Code to be logged with any associated notes when the substitution is reported in the Substitution Transaction window.

Report Results:
The report can be generated for a selected date range and can be output to a report or exported to a spreadsheet.

The data that is tracked includes the type of document, document#, Seq# of the product detail line on the document, Customer# & Name, and Clerk code.
The Requested Product# and its Unit Rate (which also becomes the unit rate for replacement product on the contract) are listed along with the actual Rented Product#, its Standard Unit Rate, the Substitution Reason Code, source Reservation# when applicable, and any transaction Notes captured in document entry in the Substitution Notes window.
The current Status is reported where:

Y means the line item is substituted (either On-rent or Off-rent)
E means the substituted line has been exchanged
C means line is closed.
The Substitution Date is also included on the spreadsheet output.

Note: Substitution detail lines are listed with a Sequence# of N/A on the report if the detail line was deleted from the contract but the substitution record was saved in history.

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