Maintain External Resource URL
Utilities Menu -> Inventory
Control -> Maintain External Resource URL
An external resource URL can be defined to provide more
information about a bulk or non-bulk rental product.
This feature utilizes a QR (Quick Response) image to supply
resource reference that is used by the 'Texada Web' In-Yard
This SRM utility can be used to view and update URLs for rental
products by Class or by Group, also providing the ability to assign
a URL to a bulk list of products.
Access to update the Resource URL field and to this utility
is controlled by the operator Security Role
Permissions to Assign/Remove External Resource URL in
the "Miscellaneous" controls window.
The 'Resource URL' field can be assigned in the Rental Information window of the Rental Inventory for bulk and non-bulk rental
equipment that is flagged to as 'Inventory', and in Update Product Rental Information, and the URL is
displayed in the Detailed Inventory
Inquiry and Inventory Inquiry.
Note: Rental Product Classes flagged as
'Re-Rent' classes cannot be updated by this utility.
The prompts are:
- Leave this field blank to include products from all Rental
Product Classes, or to use a class filter enter the specific Class
or select it from the Product Class
Search window.
- Leave this field blank to include rental products from all
Groups, or to use a class filter enter the specific Group or select
it from the Group Search window.
Note: If neither the Class or Group filter are used, the
operator must confirm that the output is to be generated for all
products as this could be a length table.
Resulting Product List:
The resulting list of products includes bulk and non-bulk rental
products flagged in Rental Inventory as in
- The rental products are listed in product number order.
- The rental product primary descriptions are displayed.
- Any existing URL is displayed and this can be modified as
The URL path needs to be valid and work in a browser, where Linux
web servers are case sensitive and Windows web servers are
- Once a 'Resource URL' is assigned, click the Link icon
in this column to view / test the URL link.
Additional actions provided by buttons on
the Maintain External Resource URL screen include:
- Assign a URL to all Products in the Displayed List
Click the SET button at the bottom left of this
screen to setup a bulk URL using a Prefix and Suffix around the
product numbers as follows:
- Enter the Prefix for this group of products.
The Prefix must end in a / or =
- Enter the Suffix for this group of products.
The Suffix must start with a / or &
- Initially the product number is inserted in the URL between the
Prefix and Suffix using %20 to allow for leading spaces.
Check this box to remove the leading
spaces (%20s) in the encoded product number for the URL.
Uncheck this box to include a %20 for each leading space, in the
- The product number currently in focus in the product list is
displayed as the example product, but when the format is accepted
all products in the list will be assigned a URL.
- An example of the URL is displayed for the "Sample Product No"
with the Prefix, the product number with/without the leading zeros,
and the Suffix.
Any special characters in the product number are replaced with '%'
encoded characters to ensure it is a valid URL.
Expand or Contract the Product Detail Records:
Click the EXP/CON button to view/hide the product's
Class and Group information.
Export/Import URLs:
This action is only available for Linux systems and is only enabled
before defining the Class/Group filters on this maintenance
- Export Current External Resource Values:
Click the EXPORT button to generate a text file
listing the selected rental products with their External Resource
URLs as outlined in the Export QR Codes to
Tab-delimited Text File utility.
After updating the text file save it as a tab-delimited text file
in preparation for importing the data back into SRM.
Move the File of Resource URLs from the Client to the Linux
Click the UPLOAD button to select a tab-delimited
text file on the local workstation, moving it to the fileserver
so it can be imported as outlined in Select a
File to Upload.
Import New External Resource Values:
After uploading the file to the server, click the
IMPORT button to update the product records in SRM
with the new External Resource URLs (whether they were previously
blank or not).
Topic Keyword: RSPF124 (6602)