Export/Import Contract Rates

This is a maintenance utility for SCS only and is not on a standard menu.

This rate utility can be used to export all contract rates to a spreadsheet.
After the updated spreadsheet information is saved in Tab-Delimited Text File format, it can then be imported to update the corresponding rate structures with any changes that are made.

The process sequence is:

Generate Spreadsheet with All Existing Rates:
Click the EXPORT option from the radio group to create a spreadsheet of all existing Contract rates.
The spreadsheet lists the data in the columns as defined by the following column letters:
Col A = Contract number
Col B = Detail transaction number
Col C = Rental Product number Col D = Rate Code Col E = Rate description within that products rate structure
Col F = To Hours for this Rate Code
Col G = Rate Hours
Col H = Rate
Col I = Base Amount
Col J = Meter count included in the rate charge
Col K = Charge per Meter Unit after the Meter Included
Col L = Meter Base Hours
Col M = Delete action - enter Y to remove a rate record on import

Update Rate Information in Preparation for Import:
The spreadsheet can be modified to reflect the updated rate structure for products on the contracts.
Flag any Rate records that should be removed from that item's rate structure with a 'Y' in Col M to cause the record to be deleted on import.

Save the Data on the Client updating the Format:
When the spreadsheet is complete, save the updated spreadsheet on the Client machine in a tab-delimited format giving it a .txt extension.

Move the Txt file to the Server in Preparation for Import:
Click the IMPORT option from the radio group to open the Select a File to Upload utility that can be used to transfer the import .txt file from the Client to the Server.

Update Rate Information:
Accept the system assigned path and txt file name.

Click ACCEPT to initiate the import or CANCEL to abort.

The Import action will generate an error list in the Information Log format if there are any records that cannot be updated such as an invalid product or group.

Confirmation is required to abort or process the rate changes.
If accepted, valid records will be processed over-writing existing records and deleting records flagged for removal.
Any errors or unchanged records will not be updated.
If aborted a forced roll-over occurs.

Topic Keyword: RSCR03 (7011)
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