Sometimes customers are entered more than once in the system, or
the details from one customer need to be combined with another
This utility can be used to build a list of customers to be merged
with other customer records.
It can be accessed from the Utilities menu for Accounts
Receivable operations.
If there are any customer's that have already been merged, and
the old records have not yet been deleted then the delete queue is
initially displayed, as outlined in Customers
To Delete.
Click the MERGE LIST button to return the
Customers to Merge screen.
This list can also be populated by Importing a List of Customer to be merged, using the EXPORT and IMPORT buttons below.
Customers to be merged can be manually listed as follows:
The customer number must already exist in Customer Information and all transactions should be posted as unposted transactions may not get merged.
Note: The customer to be merged cannot be a "Parent" customer.
The customer number must already exist in Customer Information and all transactions should be posted as unposted transactions may not get merged.
Note: The TO customer cannot be a "Child" customer and the option is provided to change the TO customer to the Parent.
Additional actions provided by buttons on the Customers
Merge utility include:
Initiate the Merge of the Customers Listed:
Click the MERGE button to print a list of the
customers to be merged, merge the customers records, and assign a
new Credit Rating to the "old" customer records that will no longer
be used, as outlined in Print And Merge
When there are duplicate document numbers the report lists the
"From Doc#" and "To Doc#" when it has to rename one of them to
complete the merge.
Confirmation is required.
Note: If the same Site numbers are used by the "old" customers and by the target customer, then the duplicate Site numbers from the "old" customers are deleted and are not transferred over to the target customer.
Delete the Customers List:
Click the DELETE LIST button to access the list of
"old" customers that have already been merged and are proposed to
be deleted, as displayed in Customers To
Note: This button is only active when there is a list of merged
"old" customer records, and the role assigned to the Operator has permission to delete customers.
The role permission is setup in Security
Roles on the Security tab of Configure System Settings.
Populate the Merge List from Import File:
Click IMPORT to copy the saved tab-delimited text
file from your client machine to the data directory on the server
in preparation for importing. The Select a File
to Upload utility is used to search for the file and to rename
it to "customer_merge.txt" before completing the upload.
File upload success and failure is reported in the Information Log with the number of successful
records, and with any errors such as:
The option is provided to continue with importing the successful records or to abort the update.
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