Print and Merge Customers

Utilities Menu -> Accounts Receivable -> Customers To Merge -> MERGE -> Print and Merge Customers

Once the list of customers to merge has been generated in Build Merge Customer List or in Customers To Merge, this option can be used to print the merge report, and to complete the merge process.
This utility can be accessed from Customers To Merge by clicking on the MERGE button, and then requesting the list to be merged.

If there are "Duplicate Invoices" for the two customers to be merged, the last character in one of the conflicting invoices is automatically changed to a number or letter in order to allow the merge to proceed.
If there are "Duplicate Checks" for the two customers to be merged, a default 'MRG######' value will be used to differentiate between check numbers.

The merge log is generated with the From and To customer numbers and if there are duplicate document numbers the report lists the "From Doc#" and "To Doc#" when it has to rename one of them to complete the merge.
Confirmation is required to proceed with the merge action.

If there are errors a message displays on the screen, and the errors are noted on the report with the customer numbers.
Errors caused by "Duplicate Info in Bad Debts File", print the write-off numbers on the report. This means that the customers to be merged, both have a record with this number on the same date, that prevents their merging.
If this error occurs, call Texada Support for assistance in completing the merge process.

If there are no errors on the report, the operator is asked to confirm the request to merge the customers, and to assign a credit rating code for the "old" customers. If the "old" customer numbers are not to be used anymore, then the credit rating should be set to a code that does NOT allow activity.
When this is accepted:

Note: Special pricing is not merged and needs to be reviewed and updated manually, as the merge action could over-write the target customer's existing pricing setup.

Be advised that once executed, this operation cannot be undone.
Hence, prior to running this request, verify in the play environment that the results obtained from running this operation are as expected.

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