Last Billed Date for Leases

** This utility is under development and is not yet available. **

The Last Billed Date on a lease is used when printing the lease invoice. For each product on the lease, it prints the BILLED FROM date using the LAST BILLED DATE stored on the lease. Normally, the Last Billed Date is automatically set during the Lease Billing process to be the correct date. Because the system normally maintains this date, it cannot be accessed using the regular program Leases .

If a power failure or hard disk crash occurs during lease billing, examine and reset these dates on each lease as required. In these circumstances, it is best to contact Texada Support first before proceeding.

Otherwise, if a lease was billed incorrectly and needs to be re-billed, reset the Last Billed Date first. Under these circumstances, follow the instructions on Lease Billing for correcting errors.

Topic Keyword: RSLD20
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