Product Revenue Report

Reports Menu -> Revenue -> Product Revenue Report

Reports Menu -> Automatic Reporting -> Function RSSH07 -> runs Product Revenue Report

This report lists revenue generated by a product, class, group, or report set selection. Costs, margins, with invoice and date details can be produced.
Select All or specify a single division or selection of divisions, and select your date range.
The report can then be printed for Rentals, Sales or both Rentals and Sales.

A cut-off dollar amount or a cut-off number of products can be entered, and then all products either above or below this cut-off mark can be selected.

The Product Revenue Report can be setup to be run automatically with the results emailed to staff, by setting up RSSH07 with the relevant filters and email addresses in the Automatic Reporting.

Currency Exchange Impact On Revenue In Sales History:
If the exchange posting processing has been activated in Support Application Parameters, the Revenue values on the report have been converted to your currency by the currency exchange percent in Currency Codes.

The prompts are:

  • Type ALL to include all divisions in the report.
  • To print the report for a single division, leave this field blank for the Head Office Division, or enter a specific division code, or select a division from the drop-down list.
  • Type SEL to include multiple divisions or select divisions by accounting region, as outlined in Division Select By Region.

Note: Though the division selection in the drop-down list displays only divisions according to the Divisional Restricted Views assigned to the operator, the report is not limited by Divisional Restricted Views , and another division can be entered.

Accept the first day of the current month or type in the beginning date.
Accept the last day of the current month or type in the ending date.

Leave this field blank to skip the Set selection field, in order to use one of the Product, Product Class, or Group selection options instead.

To utilize the Set selection option choose one of the following:

  • Type ALL to include all Sets as setup in Reporting Sets in the report.
  • Enter a single specific Set code for the report, or select one from the Reporting Set Search window.
  • Type SEL to select a range of Sets or to select Sets by Owner to include in the report, as outlined in Select Reporting Sets.

If a set selection was made, the Product, Product Class, and Group selection options are skipped.

Leave this field blank to skip the Product selection field, in order to use one of the Product Class, or Group selection options instead.

To utilize the Product selection option and to sort and total the report by product, choose one of the following:

  • Type ALL to include all products in the report.
  • To generate the report for a single product, enter the product number or select it from the Inventory Search window.
  • Type SEL to select a range of products to include in the report as outlined in Select Products.

If a product selection was made, the Product Class, and Group selection options are skipped.

Leave this field blank to skip the Product Class selection field, in order to use the Group selection option instead.

To utilize the Product Class selection option and to sort and total the report by class, choose one of the following:

  • Type ALL to include all classes in the report.
  • To generate the report for a single Product Class, enter the class or select it from the Product Class Search window.
  • Type SEL to select a range of Product Classes to include in the report as outlined in Select Product Classes.

If a class selection was made, the Group selection option is skipped.

To utilize the Product Group selection option and to sort and total the report by group, choose one of the following:
  • Type ALL to include all groups in the report.
  • To generate the report for a single Product Group, enter the group or select it from the Group Search window.
  • Type SEL to select a range of Product Groups to include in the report, as outlined in Select Groups.

One of Report Set, Product Number, Product Class, or Product Group options must be selected.
The sorting of the report is based on the selection method used.

Select one of the following vendor selection filters:
  • Enter All to include all eligible Vendors in the report.
  • Enter the specific Vendor number or select one from the Vendor Search window.
  • Type SEL to select multiple Vendors to include in the output as outlined in Selected Vendors.

This field is disabled if Reporting Sets are being used.
Select one of the following product options:
  • Select Rentals to include rentals and sales of Rental equipment only in the report.
  • Select Sales to include only Sales parts in the report.
  • Select Both to include revenue from rental equipment and sales parts in the report.

Select one of the following report cut-off options:
  • Select Top to print only products above the cut-off point defined for the report.
    This Top selection generates a detail report by product for the selection, listing products in order of the greatest revenue.
  • Select Bottom to print only products below the cut-off point defined.
    This Bottom selection generates a detail report by product for the selection, listing products in order of the least revenue.

  • Select No Cut-Off to include revenue from all products in the selection range.
    Detail or Summary can be printed, listing products in product number order.
    The two Cut-Off fields do not apply.

This field is enabled if either Top or Bottom was selected for the cut-off.

Enter the number of products to be included in the report as of the cut-off point, or leave this field blank to select a Cut-Off Dollar Value instead.

If a Cut-Off Number of Products was entered in the previous field, this field will be skipped.
If the Cut-Off Number of Products field has been left blank, enter a Cut-Off Dollar Value to be used for the report selection.

Uncheck this box to print the division on the report, but not to sort the products by divisions.
The product sort order is based on the Cut-Off Option.

Check this box to sort the products based on the Cut-Off Option, within each division.

Uncheck this box to print the detailed report excluding parts that were used on internal repair transactions.
Check this box to print the detailed report including any parts used in internal repairs, even though usually unless used under warranty, there is no revenue generated. This is not available in summary.

Select one of the following reporting types:
  • Select Summary to print the summarized report sorted according to the selection criteria with revenue for Rentals, Sales, and Totals.
  • Select Detail to generate the detailed report listing each product detail within the Set, Class, Group, or Product selection.
    If a Product selection or a Cut-Off Option was selected the report will always print in detail.

This field is enabled for the Detailed report.

Check this box to list the invoices for the selected product range, with the invoice date, division, customer #, name, quantity, revenue, cost, and margin.
The 'Owning Division' from the tag is also included in the spreadsheet output for non-bulk and for bulk rentals allowed only a single tag.
The 'Serial Number' is included on the spreadsheet output for Serialized Sales Parts sold on the invoice, but "MULTIPLE" is printed in place of the serial number if the same sales product is on the same invoice multiple times with different serial numbers and the amount-match cannot be determined.

This value defaults to the operator preference as defined in Operators.
Select one of the output options to Print a report or export the data to Excel as outlined in Report Options.

A printer can be confirmed or re-selected from the Printer option located on the menu bar at the top of the screen.

Click the ACCEPT button to begin printing the report, or CANCEL to abort.

Topic Keyword: RSSH07
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