Review Work in Progress Cost/Account Errors

Back Office Menu -> Daily Close Menu -> Post Work Order Work In Progress -> Review Work in Progress Cost/Account Errors

Any data account and amount errors preventing posting by the Post Work Order Work In Progress are displayed before the Posting Report is generated and must be fixed or deleted on this screen to complete the WIP posting.

Following are the only possible errors:

After errors are corrected on a line click the OK check box.
Transactions can also be deleted instead of fixing them if required but then they will not post.

Note: Deleting a transaction from this screen will eliminate the WIP transaction from the Posting queue so it will not post to the G/L with this run.
A manual G/L journal transaction can be entered to capture the deleted postings.

Click Accept to continue with the Post Work Order Work In Progress or Cancel to abort and repost this run later.

Topic Keyword: WOIP02
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