Repair History Report

Work Order Menu -> Reports -> Repair History Reports Menu -> Repair History Report

Reports Menu -> Automatic Reporting -> Function WORT11 -> runs Repair History Report

This report or spreadsheet can be generated by date and location for a charge code range or repair code selection.
These reports can be generated showing all Internal Repairs, Invoice Repairs, and Additions for the month.

This report can also be run automatically with the spreadsheet output emailed to staff by setting up WORT11 with the relevant filters and email addresses in the Automatic Reporting.

The Charge Code report could be useful if your firm needs to make monthly Journal Entries to record repair or warranty work in the General Ledger, especially if your firm does not maintain a parts inventory.

The Currency of the W.O. or repair charge is displayed on the spreadsheet to flag transactions where currency exchange calculations apply.

The Repair Code report can provide details on the types of repairs that were required.
e.g. repairs due to Repair Code CA - Customer Abuse for the month, or GM - General Maintenance.

The Depreciation Class is printed from the Asset Tag if the product has only 1 tag assigned.

The prompts to generate the reports are:

Select one of the following report options:
  • Select Repair Code to generate the report by Repair Maintenance Codes.
    Leave this field blank for all Repair codes or select a starting code from the drop-down list, as setup in Repair Maintenance Codes.
    Leave this field blank for all Repair codes or select a starting code from the drop-down list.
  • Select Charge Code to generate the report by Repair Charge Codes.

    Leave this field blank for all Charge codes or select a starting code from the drop-down list, as setup in Repair Charge Codes.
    Leave this field blank for all Charge codes or select a starting code from the drop-down list.

Accept the current month start, or enter a preferred starting date for the report.
Accept the today's date, or enter a preferred ending date for the report.

Leave this field blank for all eligible rental products, or enter the first few characters of a preferred product description starting point to filter the resulting product list.
A window is provided to help identify and search for a specific product description.
Leave this field blank for all eligible rental products, or enter the first few characters of an ending description for the report.

Check this box to include additions to equipment in the report.
On the report output, additions to existing equipment are identified in the column on the right of the document with the letter A for Additions.

Uncheck this box to exclude repairs identified as being additions to the existing equipment.

Check this box to include internal equipment repairs.
On the report output, internal equipment repair records are identified in the column on the right of the document with the letter R for Repairs.

Uncheck this box to exclude internal repairs from the repair transactions on the report.

Check this box to include repairs that have been invoiced.
On the report output, repairs that have been billed to customers are identified in the column on the right of the document with the letter I for Invoiced.

Uncheck this box to exclude invoiced repairs on the report.

Check this box to include Work Orders that have had the billings split between the Customer, Warranty, and/or Internal charges.
On the report output, split Billing repair records are identified in the column on the right of the document with the letter S for Split.

Uncheck this box to exclude split billing repairs from the repair transactions listed on the report.

Check this box to repairs that have been completed on sold or scrapped equipment.
  • Non-bulk equipment is only considered disposed if the Status is D (Disposed) or S (Scrapped) on the Fixed Asset Tag.
  • Bulk equipment is considered disposed when the quantity is zero On Hand.

Uncheck this box to exclude disposed equipment from the repair transactions listed on the report.

Check this box to include all locations in the report.

Uncheck this box to select a single location for the report.

Enter the location for the report or select it from the drop-down list.

This value defaults to the operator preference as defined in Operators.
Select one of the output options to Print a report or export the data to Excel as outlined in Report Options.

Subtotals are supplied on the report output by Repair/Charge Code.
On the spreadsheet output Repair transactions flagged as Manual represent repairs completed and entered manually that have been carried over from an earlier version of the software.

Click the ACCEPT button to generate the output, or CANCEL to abort.

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